If I have an above-ground swimming pool or spa, do I need a safety barrier?

If you have an above-ground swimming pool or spa in Victoria, Australia, it is mandatory to have a safety barrier in place as per the Building Regulations 2018 (Victorian Building Authority). The walls of the pool or spa can act as a barrier only if they are at least 1.2 metres high from the ground level, and their surface does not provide a foothold for a child to climb into the pool or spa area.

If the walls of the pool or spa are not at least 1.2 metres in height then the safety barrier must comply with the standards set out in the regulations and include a self-closing and self-latching gate with a minimum height of 1200mm. The primary goal of these safety regulations is to prevent unsupervised access to the pool or spa area, especially by children, as drowning is a leading cause of accidental deaths among young children in Australia.

Non-compliance with these safety requirements can result in significant fines and penalties and, in severe cases, the forced closure of the pool or spa. Therefore, it is crucial to ensure that your pool or spa is fully compliant with all relevant safety regulations.

Our VPI team is ready to help you schedule an appointment at your convenience, so please don't hesitate to contact us. 0422076550 / 0407817714


I have recently installed a cover over my swimming pool or spa. Does it comply with the legislation as a safety barrier?


What Standard Do I Use For My Pool/Spa Barrier?